One cannot boost his immunity in a over night , but following tips can be useful for boosting immunity
While sleeping the
body rejuvenates and release toxins. sleeping also plays a
key role to boost our immune system .
Food habits
Avoid junk
food, Honey with warm water in the morning on empty stomach will build oxygen into the body and
rejuvenate the system helps to increase hemoglobin Intake of
protein food,fruits also boost the immune system

God has created many herbs for our health in which one of the super most herbs is TinosporaCordifolia (Giloy)Guduchi. Its leaves (or)stems can be taken by boiling 5 minutes and filter the extract; After cooling one has to drink on regular basis in an empty stomach improves the immunity system. In certain cases like Dengue, Malaria by using this herb the platelets count found increased. Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon and Aswagandha are most commonly used herbs for better immunity.